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How to Draw Attention to Your Eyes

It is important to draw attention to this because it was a fully armed intervention under the Democrats.
Other labels draw attention to the organization of the space in the camp and to the gendered division of labor.
Amber flashing warning lights will highlight and draw attention to the presence of the safety zone.
They are participating in a publicity stunt to draw attention to Anglicare's Winter Appeal.
The two, members of an environmental group, said their stunt was to draw attention to a campaign to save the rainforest.
In addition to his general argument I'd draw attention to two other stories that caught my eye.
As music lovers might we not more frequently draw attention to this noise canker in our society?
It is perfectly proper to draw attention to the threat of the pharmaceutical giants and of calmative drugs being used on social misfits.
Not only do these earrings draw attention to you, they give you a free spirited vibe which is so sexy.
Is this just another example of academics talking up unprovable dangers to draw attention to themselves?
The US and its allies need to focus on the strengths of their case rather than draw attention to flights of fancy or unprovable points.
They draw attention to contingent referents, the signifiers and the sign-systems that position subjects as such.
Being a lawyer, he naturally sidestepped most of our questions but did draw attention to additions to the case.
They momentarily suspend the action and draw attention to the writing process behind the story.
He modestly does not draw attention to the fact that his own work has redrawn the geography of art.
Unsurprisingly, using an infographic for a post can draw attention to a blogging site due to its shareability.
If the toddler ignored the miniature toys for more than three or four minutes, however, we would draw attention to them.
I felt that it behoved me to do my best to help draw attention to his pathetic situation, and, thankfully, my efforts have been rewarded.
Therefore I have written a song to draw attention to this and to get the issues across to the kids.
The respondents draw attention to a series of documents produced in late discovery.

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In contrast, they draw attention to families defined by both filiation and affiliation.
It is worth interrupting the chronicle to draw attention to a hitherto unnoted irony in a political career in which ironies instructively abound.
Motorists could also draw attention to themselves by flashing their lights or sounding their horn to make people aware they are in difficulty.
Everyone sneaked furtively around in anonymous saloons, loath to draw attention to themselves.
I don't draw attention to myself in public, and therefore I don't think I'm fair game for anyone to investigate me.
After all, she had managed well enough the previous night, and calling a servant may draw attention to her presence.
With the Celtic support already unconvinced about his form, mistakes such as these draw attention to his whole game.
This face looks best in finer frames that don't draw attention to any heaviness or angularity.
The function of the conference is to draw attention to the fact that this unique course is worth saving.
Welsh choruses, for example, have long maintained repertories and concert practices that intentionally draw attention to Welshness.
The Gospels of Luke and Mark draw attention to something important in relation to giving.
I simply want to draw attention to some of the gaps, some of what may be missing, when we dismiss God too brusquely.
Meanwhile, the Vatican continued to draw attention to aspects of Francis's behaviour that it said showed the new pope's frugality and humility.
I would also like to draw attention to what is currently a major sticking point in EU-USA relations, which is the missile defence shield.
Admit your weaknesses, not so much to draw attention to them, but to learn from them and to realize that you are imperfect.
I am also taking advantage of the fact that I am a new arrival in Ottawa to draw attention to issues that trouble me.
I would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the impact all these issues are having on the situation in my country.
Bathing suits map boundaries of modesty in what they conceal, but they simultaneously draw attention to those same areas.
It also brings legal instruments that can draw attention to the interests of the most marginalised groups.
Perhaps that's why I tried to find things, mostly the wrong ones, to draw attention to me, rather than to my homeliness.

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When we were engaged, we took part in a manifestation to draw attention to the inappropriateness of public transport for the disabled.
I should particularly like to draw attention to one aspect of this long-drawn-out state of abuse.
I would particularly like to draw attention to two successes of last year in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation.
My colleagues in the Bloc Québécois and I are delighted to draw attention to the work done by Ms. Crawford and to congratulate her on this award.
I hadn't taught Mark but the teachers who did said he was good-humoured, mild-mannered, a clever lad who answered perceptively but didn't want to draw attention to himself.
The author wrote a number of letters to the authorities in order to draw attention to his medical problems and detention conditions.
Advertising or promotional material shall draw attention to the appropriate warning phrases and symbols as laid down in the labelling.
In some camps, refugees have done so by shouting and banging cooking pots and pans to draw attention to and scare away attackers.
The Commission will draw attention to this practice in a statement to be entered in the Council minutes.
With displays, discussions, activities, children's events and entertainment to draw attention to environment-friendly behavior.
They softly bob up and down in the gentle surge and draw attention to the charm of the place.
Ăˆve Nantais, a new girl at Ping's school, uses rude remarks about anyone and everyone to draw attention to herself.
But I would also like to draw attention to the situation of those individuals who have become less able because of their advancing years.
Others however draw attention to foreign investment, lamenting the fact that it exceeds investment in Europe.
A different kind of jelly bear: To draw attention to World AIDS Day, the spot shows kissing and love making jelly bears.
Facts are glossed over, demographic changes are not taken on board and those who draw attention to these problems are vilified in the press.
Mr RĂ¼big is right to draw attention to the happy coincidence of languages within communities and countries in the existing 15 Member States.
The suspected royal-art defacer also has a cause – reportedly wanting to draw attention to his having lost contact with his children.
It isn't civilised to draw attention to what divides the human race.
Similarly calling someone by his matronymic cognomen will draw attention to his mother's identity and family.

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Opponents also draw attention to the risks of elective Cesarean delivery to the mother and fetus during the initial procedure and for later pregnancies.
In Bollywood though, there is clearly a section of people who are glad he is using his celebrity status to draw attention to a pressing social cause.
The awards, designed to draw attention to the need for plain speaking, are now in their 23rd year and were celebrated at a ceremony in central London yesterday.
Josh pats his waist to draw attention to the belt securely surrounding it.
What I would like to draw attention to is the fact that strivings in the field of nuclear weaponization are a symptom.
Often slovenly and untidy, she dressed to draw attention to her figure, and the history of her love affairs and marriages provided a basis for much talk.
Anyone who tries to draw attention to threats instead of quietly burying them is worsening the problem.
Wildsight works with locals to draw attention to the need to enjoy respectfully, but also protect these sensitive wetlands.
A basic floor lamp, or directional lamp that can allow light to be shaded upon a wall or ceiling, can draw attention to any desired area or emphasize ceiling height.
You can't take the direct approach since this might draw attention to yourself so you must stowaway in the large piece of luggage which the bellhop is carting upstairs.
This replica served to draw attention to the influence of lighting and color on buildings.
The Monopinks draw attention to this place the body and flesh hold, while the large Anthropometries exalt it by monumentalising it.
Countries also choose alternative approaches to draw attention to the interconnectedness of HIV and violence.
Rather, it should promptly draw attention to the inadequacies and advocate implementation of necessary reforms.
In making this recommendation, I must draw attention to the shortfall in the funding of the Force.
The Coordinating Committee organized a motorcade and rally in 1997 to draw attention to the negative and devastating effects of violence.
Chandelier earrings draw attention to her beautiful features.
The archivist must constantly draw attention to the critical importance of the documentary heritage and its cultural and evidential value.
The request was not granted, partly because it would draw attention to the lack of any charter granting the title to existing cities.
Throughout the book eye catching illustrations draw attention to important keys to remember on successful salesmanship.

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There's a code of practice among surfers to look out for each other, but you don't necessarily want to draw attention to what you've done.
It is pleased that the Commission has taken this opportunity to draw attention to deficiencies in European legal provisions and the differences between European laws and the practices of Member States.
Each conference brought together national players to draw attention to the national aspects of the cash changeover and the preparations being made by key industries, including the financial, retail and travel sectors.
You draw attention to the links between higher and secondary education.
I am running out of time and want to make sure in my remarks on the budget to draw attention to the crisis in manufacturing and especially in forestry.
We draw attention to the statement issued by the ministers of foreign affairs of the Caribbean Community, which was issued on 9 January and has been circulated to Member States.
They draw attention to what they call two watershed policy events.
This additional paragraph is used to draw attention to a particular matter that we believe is important for readers of the financial statements to consider.
Through our focus on actions designed to spread change rather than initiate it, we draw attention to a critical component of the overall change process.
I should like to draw attention to some of the aspects of the resolutions before us this afternoon, one or two of which were referred to earlier on.
His gestures don't draw attention to themselves.
You'll draw attention to our hiding place.
Nothing that would draw attention to myself.
The reeve of my county, Wayne Daniels, helped in pushing for a big rally at the U. S. border to draw attention to this, and on the American side too, and to point out that we need to work together.
Hazard events, very familiar to local residents, that incur damage include rain and snow melt flood events that have higher probability and draw attention to the growing community's exposure to dike breach.
Similarly, it should draw attention to the importance of safeguarding biodiversity and of providing guarantees and ensuring consumer safety, for science is not yet able to do this with certainty.
Lastly, I would like to draw attention to the growing problem, particularly in Africa, of the child soldiers, who are incited to commit the most terrible, drug-induced acts.
So can we not now allow each other this: that there is a need for election observers, that there is a need for independent reports which draw attention to everything that is not as it should be.
The performance recognition program was created by the CWB to draw attention to and promote the top Canadian handlers of wheat, durum, and barley grown in Western Canada.
What we draw attention to here is not the goodness or badness of the solutions offered, but rather the involvement of the band councils in the advice-getting process.

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Where the State party had not replied or had replied only partially, the Committee should systematically pick up on the fact and draw attention to it in some way.
Pothole Watch also serves as a megaphone to draw attention to the importance of investing in our road infrastructure and looking after its upkeep.
The casebook gives these groups the opportunity to provide feedback, to highlight their work and to draw attention to the use of good practices in evidence-based medicine.
It is particularly important to draw attention to the regular discussions that FOGAR and its members hold with the UNDP, the FAO and the European Commission.
The campaign, begun in the 1960s, used emotion-laden images of whitecoat seal pups to draw attention to their cause.
In the aftermath of this week's rebellion by Tory MPs, both the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror were keen to draw attention to the patches of grey appearing towards the back of his bonce.
The Creative Africa festival that will run contemporaneously with UNCTAD XII is intended to draw attention to the continent's enormous and largely untapped potential in this sector.
I want to draw attention to the fact that it is curious the opposition members are refusing to hear from a senior member of the public service who has actually been named by another witness.
Turning to the matter in hand, Mr HorĂ¡?ek is quite right to draw attention to the continuing deficiencies in the processes of Romania's and Bulgaria's accession.
Within the context of this need for an overall anti-poverty strategy, we would like to draw attention to several particular issues which we believe are germane to the employability issue.
Most vividly of all, I recall the exercise of will required to divert the orbiting hand away from the scalp – because the last thing you want to do is draw attention to the fact that you are losing your stook.
Quite obviously, they assimilate their social exclusion much more introspectively than boys who rather draw attention to their situation by way of protesting behaviour.
It was an inopportune moment to draw attention to the gull situation.
Others seek to draw attention to foreign participation in the affairs of their rivals, trying to exclude them from the charmed circle of European companies.
At the same time, we should like to draw attention to the fact that the Security Council has now been obliged for a second time to deal with the issue of extending the mandate of this judge.
In constantly declaring that children are molestable we are making them into bodies that draw attention to their molestability.
So-called shockvertising, in the form of ads that are deliberately provocative to draw attention to themselves, is becoming increasingly popular.
She pats her breast, not so much to draw attention to her fried eggs, but to force her breaths to become rhythmic.
Musician Pete Seeger founded the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and the Clearwater Festival to draw attention to the problem.
In March, 30 Senate Democrats conducted a 15-hour overnight talkathon to draw attention to climate change.

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The impeccably-placed source revealed that outspoken Leonard plans to wear an ORANGE BOILER SUIT in a bid to draw attention to his plight.
Leslie Alcock was not the first to draw attention to the phrase though he may have started the recent spate of interest.
The event aimed to draw attention to the issue of youth suicide among men in the UK and to raise awareness and money for the charity.
Premier Gordon Brown is no class warrior but he is right to draw attention to unfairness in Britain, to social injustice.
In addition, a Parisian cafe and modified English phone booths were designed as employee break areas to draw attention to their international side of business.
Please be quiet. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.
A teamof 15 artists spent twomonths working on the sculpture to draw attention to the plight of the Arctic mammal and the impact of global warming on the icecaps.
The Liberal statement does draw attention to its potential future agenda, namely, fisheries, forestry, agri-food, and mining, all resource-based sectors.
Pope Leo X received a monumental embassy from Portugal during his reign designed to draw attention to Portugal's newly acquired riches to all of Europe.

How to Draw Attention to Your Eyes
